Gifts For Those You Don't Know How To Buy For

Candles, like perfume, can be hard to gift to someone because something that smells like a field of blooming fresh flowers to you may smell like a dumpster fire to someone else. The Mar Mar mini candle set helps you eliminate the possibility of choosing the wrong scent since this set comes in a pack of three individual mini candles. The Mar Mar mini candle set comes in their best selling candles, Mono No Aware, Saint Martin, and Other Desert Cities. These candles are 100% soy based, made in Los Angeles, California, and are priced at $62.
Skincare in itself is personal to each person due to their varying needs or concerns but fun ways to treat yourself such as the Ametta Skin red wine eye masks, are perfect for a little night in. These eye masks come in a pack of five and use hyaluronic acid for a brightening effect under your eyes while still staying at an affordable price of $28.

You really can’t go wrong when it comes to Le Bon Shoppe and their socks, and more favorably their cloud socks. The cloud socks were the first socks Le Bon created and therefore has been perfected over the years. These thick, plush, ultra-cozy socks feel like slippers everytime you put them on and can be worn with your boots in the winter to keep your toes warm or just around the house for that slippery feel. They come in all bright and neutral colors for everyone's preference and are the perfect stocking stuffer or for someone you don’t know as well. They are individually sold at $16.

Whether you’re coming into Jones and Co to use our reusable, cloth wrapping done by our team for $5 or shopping online for all of your wrapping paper, Baggu bags make the perfect wrapping essential for all of your gifts. Thes reusable bags fold in themselves and can be put into a smaller bag for you to just throw in your purse on your way to buy presents. These bags come in all different colors and patterns and add the cutest personality for all of your gifts under the tree. Each bag is sold at $14 and can be loved by many.
The holiday season can be stressful especially when you have those friends and family members that you just don’t know how to shop for. Whether it comes in the form of a mug and hot cocoa set, a cozy pair of socks, a candle set or skincare, gifts are about the thought that went behind them. It’s easy to get wrapped up in the stress and worry that this season may bring but it’s important to remember that your loved ones appreciate your time and thought that went into buying them a gift even if it’s not exactly what they were looking for. I hope that this gift guide fills you with inspiration and that you choose to shop at your local businesses this season! Happy Holidays!